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On Sunday at church Kieran preached on Wisdom and Vulnerability. Please make sure you have watched Sunday’s sermon before Community Group.


Read this overview

Sociologist and author Brené Brown shot to fame with a pretty profound TED talk on the topic of vulnerability and it has since become a bit of a buzz word. She defines vulnerability as: “uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure.” And through her research has come to see that, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.” In this study, we’ll look specifically at Biblical wisdom and ask the question: What does wisdom have to say about vulnerability? And more specifically: Is vulnerability the key to experiencing the life we were created for?  

Begin with silence and prayer 

[5 minutes]

Sit down, get comfortable and ask someone to pray aloud for the study.

Then spend a few minutes in silence. Ask God to help us remove distractions from our minds, listen to what He is saying to and through each of us and change our lives accordingly.



Reflect on last week’s study application (smaller groups)

[10 minutes]

Last week’s study left us with the challenge to establish daily patterns in our lives that reflect the fear of the Lord.

Spend a few minutes catching up on life and then talk about the following debrief questions:

  1. How did you put into practice what you learned?

  2. How have you seen God at work in and through you based on what you studied and applied from what you previously studied?

  3. How do you need help/encouragement to live God’s truth out in your life?



Open to the Bible together (whole group)

[15 minutes]

The first step in practising vulnerability is not to become vulnerable, but to realise that we are vulnerable. The truths outlined in the book of Ecclesiastes help reveal to us our vulnerability.

Watch the Bible Project’s video on Ecclesiastes here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeUiuSK81-0. Alternatively read Ecclesiastes 1:4-11; 3:19-20 and 9:11

Talk about the following questions:

  1. How does the book of Ecclesiastes highlight our vulnerability?

  2. Read Ecclesiastes 2:24-25 and 12:13. What should we do when we realise our vulnerability?

Once we have realised our vulnerability and submitted to God, Biblical Wisdom has some great advice on how to apply vulnerability into our relationships with others.

Read the following verses

  • Proverbs 27:5-6

  • Proverbs 27:9

  • Proverbs 27:17

  • James 5:16

Talk about the following questions:

  1. How do those verses show vulnerability in relationships?

  2. How could applying these verses help to deepen your relationships with others?

  3. Why are they difficult to apply?

  4. How does knowing God make verses like this easier to apply?



Application for the coming week: 

[5 minutes]

When we realise and admit our vulnerability, we can humble ourselves before God, cultivate vulnerable relationships with others and enjoy the peace of knowing an invulnerable God.

This week’s practice involves deepening your vulnerability with God and with others.

  1. Do one thing each day that reminds you of your vulnerability. Read a Psalm about God’s greatness. Sit at the beach and marvel at the power of God in the waves. Look at the stars and marvel at the vastness of the universe. Whatever works for you. And then in a prayer of simple faith say God “this world and its ways are too much for me to comprehend, but you are good, help me to trust you and enjoy this life as a gift from you.”

  2. Now, in regard to our relationships. Think of one person in your life you can go deeper with and identify the next step toward a more vulnerable relationship with them. Then do it.

Work through these discussion questions 

 [10 minutes]

  1. How will you seek to put these 2 points into practice?

    1. What one thing will you do each day to remind yourself of your vulnerability?

    2. If you feel comfortable sharing with the group: What relationship will seek to deepen and how?

  2. What will make these difficult?

  3. How do you expect these will impact your life and faith?

Close in prayer 

[15 minutes]